Cognito Main


Our services combine a powerful blend of leadership coaching and organisational design principles to make your ‘business as usual’ outstanding in culture and performance.

LEADERSHIP is everything you say or do that influences other people – ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN is the conditions in which you work.

Both are up to you.


Our services combine a powerful blend of leadership coaching and organisational design principles to make your ‘business as usual’ outstanding in culture and performance.

Executive Coaching

Enhance your leadership capacity, master conflict management, and inspire people around you to achieve collective goals. 

Team Training

Increase staff performance and discover their potential with command of all facets of team creation and leading.

Organisational Design

Optimise the processes, structure and standards of your company to unlock more time, freedom and benefit for all.

Our Approach

Our approach is to inspire change and cultivate connection. In other words, we’re:

  1. Personal and genuine
  2. Focussed on achieving your value
  3. There to back you, hear you, engage with you and optimise your growth
  4. Dedicated To Achieving Long-Term Results

Our work with clients is governed by a change outcome driven process with clear phases:

We undertake deep analysis of your business purpose, leadership method and organisational design which allows us to plan a targeted delivery of your desired outcomes.

Together we refine how leaders lead their teams and themselves,  enhance teams and teamwork to unlock the multiplier effect and optimise organisational design to allow the leaders and colleagues to thrive in their own organisation. 

Coaching and training is delivered to you, your leaders and staff until the desired skills and structure are embedded to a refined level and organisational independence is achieved.

We exit and you thrive with confidence and freedom.

Lets Talk

Book a free consultation today.

Coaching Packages


Executive coaching and training package

Executive Coaching and Training fundamentals: 

  • Reduce conflict and tension confidently by understanding people and personalities
  • Achieve goals faster with the keys of successful communication
  • Grow your self-awareness to improve leadership outcomes
  • Build collaborative teams rather than managing a room of independent workers
  • Unleash the Team Multiplier Effect for exponential productivity and performance
  • Free up your time with effective decision-making based on mutual trust, common sense and clarity of standards
  • Enhance the respect you experience as a leader and business entity
  • Stop staff turnover by developing a sense of belonging and promoting active engagement
  • Learn how to harness the potential of your Millennial and Gen Z employees
  • Scale or optimise your business sustainably using the principles of best organisational design as they apply to your situation
  • And much more…

team training package

Team training fundamentals:

  • Learn how to build highly effective teams that multiply outcomes and workplace harmony
  • Gain insight into each of your staff members
  • Gain the insight of your staff into the business
  • Promote a sense of belonging that generates abundant returns in the workplace
  • We’ll teach, train and coach your staff in the social skills, face-to-face communication, accountability and group processing essential to healthy and productive team-work
  • Embed new processes that don’t just revert to the old ways
  • Actively lead, motivate, inspire and create more leaders in the process
  • Learn how to diversify roles to inspire staff and engage their skills
  • And much more…

organisational design gold medal package

Organisational Design Gold Medal Package fundamentals:

  • Detailed diagnosis and holistic insight into the current design of your organisation
  • A clear path to achieving positive, company-wide changes and the training to match
  • Implement design changes with confidence
  • Achieve collective understanding on process and standards throughout your organisation
  • Increase staff success with role clarity
  • Free up your time with effective decision-making based on mutual trust, common sense and clear standards
  • Draw on the wisdom available to you as a team and unlock the Team Multiplier Effect
  • Encourage your staff to work well for you rather than resent you
  • Increase workplace engagement, innovation and creativity
  • Make meetings effective again
  • And much more…